Fix sporadic crashes on iOS 8

Issue #6 resolved
S. Zeid repo owner created an issue

AppBackup on iOS 8 crashes seemingly randomly. It probably has something to do with me being in high school at the time I initially wrote the Objective-C code and therefore writing shitty memory management code.

Comments (4)

  1. S. Zeid reporter

    I should also note that automatic reference counting is not an option for me since I have to support iOS 3.x, which doesn't support ARC.

  2. S. Zeid reporter

    [gui] Cleanup megacommit (maybe fixes #6)

    Use properties more judiciously, make properties writable only when they need to be, use _name convention for instance variables, (mostly) stop using autorelease, actual understanding of the Objective-C ownership conventions, ....

    → <<cset 9dbceea48bc3>>

  3. S. Zeid reporter

    [gui] Cleanup megacommit (maybe fixes #6)

    Use properties more judiciously, make properties writable only when they need to be, use _name convention for instance variables, (mostly) stop using autorelease, actual understanding of the Objective-C ownership conventions, fix one or two memory leaks, ....

    → <<cset 2cbd9bc90c3b>>

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